Years ago when I had a desk job, I used to drink 3 pots of coffee before lunch and another 2 pots by the end of the day. It was commercial, not so good, coffee. When I left that job, I quite drinking coffee.
About ten years later, I started dating a clerk that worked at an independent, very nice coffee shop. They had their own roaster and high quality coffee beans. You guessed it, I started drinking coffee again. This time it was great coffee, not the commercial stuff at the office job.
I like a very strong Columbia, or espresso with equal amounts of water and espresso. I add sugar, no cream. For a while I got back to drinking coffee all day, not quite as much as I drank on the office job, but to much.
I got into buying beams, grinding them at home, had a French press, became a gourmet coffee person. A couple of years later, I cut back on my coffee consumption. These days, I have only one cup of coffee in the morning. It has to be good coffee, or I will just skip it.
I have to have my cup of coffee. It’s like a smoker bringing his habit down to one cigarette a day, but I have to have that one. I’m glad I got turned onto good coffee. I’m glad I only drink one cup a day (maybe 2 on Sunday). In the early days, I was addicted to coffee, no doubt about it. I’m still addicted, but my addiction is to only one cup a day.
I no longer wake up late, leave the house half dressed, gulping coffee in the car all the way to work. These days I get up earlier, do my personal things, get dressed, and make my coffee. No newspaper, no TV, sometimes some music, but usually I sit and just stare out the window watching the wildlife wake up, and savor my one cup.
To all you other coffee addicts out there, I understand. I would only advise, to stick with good coffee, and maybe that will help you cut down the amount you drink. Enjoy!
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