Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 Given the Decades of Republican obstructionism it's hard to imagine the Republicans are serious about unity in government. I won't go through the past of Republican nasty tactics that have hurt the American people. If you don't know by now then you just don't care. 

Recently the Republican minority leader McConnell came out and denounced A Republican house member calling her statements "loony tunes."  She is more than crazy, she is dangerous crazy. He also praised Rep. Chaney for her strong convictions. 

I wouldn't trust McConnell for a minute. I can't forget the anti-constitutional actions he has taken over the years as Republican leader, and many were before Trump was president. His obstructionist stance is VERY clear. 

At this moment Republicans still sit as chairman of all committees. McConnell refuses to enter into a power sharing agreement with Leader Schumer, even after the new 50/50 Senate has been sworn in. If Democrats don't sit as chairmen of government committees, they can get nothing done. This is McConnell's idea of unity. 

I don't know the Senate rules well enough to know what alternatives Democrats have. Maybe one of you can enlighten me.

Meanwhile, the president has called Republicans in to hear their viewpoints, not that he will submit to their demands. And rightfully so since what they want is in the minority of what Americans want and NEED. The president has offered the olive branch and Republicans have responded with insincere oratory. 

McConnell doesn't look like a wolf in sheep's clothing, but he is.

Democrats and the president need to put Republicans in their place, in the minority, where they belong. Especially after what their president and their party have done to this country.  

IF Republicans show a little concern for the needs of the American people maybe they can be listened to, but they haven't shown ANY concern for the American people for decades. 

To sum it up. Screw the lying Republicans. 


  1. Ageed! President Biden should go forward with his agenda and ignore the obstructionist, insurrectionist Trumpublicans!

  2. You know, Jerry, after the elections in Georgia, McConnell began changing his public tone. He tried to quash Senators' challenge to the election, he publicly stated Biden and Harris won, and he was quick to condemn the ex-President's actions on January 6th. I think Mitch is trying to save Mitch's legacy - like the little boy who burns the house down FIRST and the book of matches later to hide the evidence. The Monster he allowed to become and helped create with a wink and a nod is scaring Mitch and the Geezers. Meanwhile, Cruz, Hawley, Greene, Boebert and the Party Of The Flying Monkeys appeals to 40% of Americans.
    "IF Republicans show a little concern for the needs of the American people maybe they can be listened to, but they haven't shown ANY concern for the American people for decades." You're spot on with this observation, my friend. I can remember when I had respect for Republicans(some) even though I totally disagree with their social constructs. Some used to be decent people. Mitch McConnell single-handedly ENABLED Trump and everything the Republican party has devolved into. All to spite a Black Man in his White House. Everything Mitch McConnell has done over the past 10 years was to spite Obama and Senate Democrats who pushed the ACA through - all up in Mitch's grillz. He is the Anti-Christ. lol
    Kindest Regards,
    bj in CO

  3. Thanks folks!
    Just hours after I posted this article, the assignments were handed out and Democrats were given chairmanships of the committees. McConnell better get used to the idea that he is the MINORITY leader.

  4. They are masters of taking advantage of American short term memory, notwithstanding video of saying one thing and doing a 180 later.
