We cannot run our society, or our government on extreme ideologies. Extremism is not compatible with the Constitution. The Constitution is an inclusive set of rules to govern people. Extremism is an exclusive pronouncement of one sides political and/or social convictions. If we are to hold true to the goal of the Constitutions proclamations, then extremism is automatically eliminated as a realistic path to achieving the goals of the Constitution.
Supreme Court Justice Scalia
used to denounce those who describe the Constitution as a “living,
breathing” document. He states that legal decisions must be decided by
the intent of the founding fathers who wrote the amendments that make up
the Constitution. Yet, the founding fathers wrote a document that can
be amended, with the obvious understanding that as society changes, so
would the laws that society lives by, have to change.
Can we make decisions about gun laws in the 21st century based on the realities of gun use in the 18th century? Is the Constitution to be blind to the progress of humanity? Technological advances, more highly educated people, more freedoms for people, naturally brings different moral and legal questions that could not have possibly been foreseen by people who lived in the 18th century. They understood that, thus a legal process that could, in fact, must be amended.
Extreme view points are and must be protected by the Constitution, but must not be allowed to be the governing ideology simply because they have gamed the system in political activism. We have done much to protect minorities in our society. We must be vigilant in protecting the majority in our society.
The majority is to blame for allowing extreme ideology to gain such a high position in our politics. Their poor voting record and lack of exercising their duty as good citizens is a laziness that endangers a healthy democracy. Money is not the voice of the people, it is the voice of those who understand how to make their voices louder than their actual numbers deserve. Money perverts the system by aiming at the temptations of human greed, not the popularity of their ideology.
Our partisan bickering and party line votes are holding us back from real progress in our society and government. Compromise is no longer a consideration for other viewpoints, it has become a simple defeat by the numbers. Things may change now only because the voting numbers have changed. We still haven’t made the hard attempt to pass laws that are not constantly disapproved of by one segment of society, or another.
To have harmony, is to eliminate anger. We will never agree on everything, but to be constantly mad at each other, is to foster resentment, hate, and disunity. Reject the extreme, loud, angry, voices coming from any side.
Can we make decisions about gun laws in the 21st century based on the realities of gun use in the 18th century? Is the Constitution to be blind to the progress of humanity? Technological advances, more highly educated people, more freedoms for people, naturally brings different moral and legal questions that could not have possibly been foreseen by people who lived in the 18th century. They understood that, thus a legal process that could, in fact, must be amended.
Extreme view points are and must be protected by the Constitution, but must not be allowed to be the governing ideology simply because they have gamed the system in political activism. We have done much to protect minorities in our society. We must be vigilant in protecting the majority in our society.
The majority is to blame for allowing extreme ideology to gain such a high position in our politics. Their poor voting record and lack of exercising their duty as good citizens is a laziness that endangers a healthy democracy. Money is not the voice of the people, it is the voice of those who understand how to make their voices louder than their actual numbers deserve. Money perverts the system by aiming at the temptations of human greed, not the popularity of their ideology.
Our partisan bickering and party line votes are holding us back from real progress in our society and government. Compromise is no longer a consideration for other viewpoints, it has become a simple defeat by the numbers. Things may change now only because the voting numbers have changed. We still haven’t made the hard attempt to pass laws that are not constantly disapproved of by one segment of society, or another.
To have harmony, is to eliminate anger. We will never agree on everything, but to be constantly mad at each other, is to foster resentment, hate, and disunity. Reject the extreme, loud, angry, voices coming from any side.
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