Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Another Day In Trump's America

The American people are simply amazing. They elect this congenital liar, con man, crook president and they relish in his daily stupidity enjoying it like a daily TV soap opera. Americans are in no rush to get rid of their Teflon Don, they are glued to their TV's waiting for the next installment of insanity.

Mueller's investigation has been going on for over a year and a half and Mueller just got a six month extension for the grand jury. There are all sorts of other investigations and legal actions continuing against Trump and there could and should be more. How long does it take for our justice system to take down this crook? If Mueller can't do it some of these other investigations must come up with charges soon.

Meanwhile, the government has been shut down for 19 days and our systems are shutting down causing millions harm which will only get worse.

Liberals wake up everyday drooling at the mouth to find new ways to spew hate and insults against Trump. What would they do without Trump to criticize everyday? Then an elected Democrat calls Trump a motherfucker on national TV. All this hate of course, is good for America? Liberals are enjoying this to much.

The Republicans said they wanted to drown the government in a bathtub and they are doing a dam good job of destroying our government and our country.

Democrats don't want to impeach this crook, they just want to inflict as many stab wounds as possible and Americans are loving the show. Cable ratings are up. News outlets have never had such good viewership and readership. Keep the show going!

We have wrecked ourselves financially now we are wrecking our systems and institutions and our reputation in the world.

Enjoy yourselves.

As America burns to the ground. 

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