Monday, November 5, 2018

One More Day

It's a little more than 24 hours until the election. Nothing is for sure until the final vote count sometime Tuesday night, or Wednesday morning.

The TV talking heads are predicting the Democrats will take majority in the House and Republicans will retain majority in the Senate.  They are also predicting a high voter turnout with anger motivating that turnout. Sad.

The Republicans will not lose majority of the Governorship's, or majorities in the State Houses. 

The talking heads are also predicting very close races. A high voter turnout and close races definitely shows a divided electorate.

It's hard for me to swallow that Democrats can't beat a racist, bigoted Republican by more than a point, or 2, or more. These unconstitutional, cheating Republicans should be losing by 30%, or more. I'll have to live with the fact that half the electorate wants that kind of destroy America government. Sad.

This will be great news in checking the dictatorial power of Trump and the Republicans . The Democrats will have the chairmanships of the House committees, which can stop the obstruction the Republican chairman's have been putting up against the Muller investigation and every other biased decision the House Republicans have been dictating.

Of course the elections do not effect the judgeship's which are definitely in majority for Republicans, especially at the Supreme Court. The danger that the Supreme Court will side with the idiot, unconstitutional president still exists. Trump had to rewrite his Muslim ban edict three times, but the Court finally approved his hate law. That can happen with any issue, including the 14th amendment birth right law, abortion, or any other law.

So temper your celebrations. We are not out of the woods yet, and Trump is still president and he isn't going anywhere.

As I wrote a month ago, it will be sad if Democrats decide to use their power to act with anger and revenge and make their priority going after Trump instead of doing what is good for the people, which is reversing the harmful legislation and laws the Republicans and Trump have instituted in the last two years and the garbage the Republicans have been passing for years. 


  1. The GOP hangs onto state houses, legislatures, etc. through gerrymandering. Yes, the Dems did it too, but the GOP has made it a science and pursued it so that they, who are a minority in this country, would hang onto power. Gerrymandering and voter suppression are the paths to keeping power. The Goopers knew that and have been at work for years while the Democrats slept.

    I do hope the Dems win the House and begin the year by issuing subpoenas to Goopers and Trump. They've promised they will. Let's hope they follow through.

  2. I don't really care what happens to Trump. Certainly he deserves jail.

    It's more important to undo the harm he has done to our country. That should be our priority. Our priority and actions should not be driven by hate, or anger.

    I don't suppose we will ever know how many actual votes have been suppressed by Republican dirty tactics. I'm sure it's enough to slant the winner of a political race. It's certainly higher than the effect the Russians had on slanting any American election.

    The fact that we could record that Clinton won 3 million more votes that Trump, or Gore won more votes than Bush makes me think that vote suppression, or vote counting, or poll hours, etc., etc.... is not as bad as claimed and it is other irregularities like gerrymandering that is giving the wins to Republicans.

    I have a hard time calling cheat for political parties both using the same system that is part of our Constitution and has been used since the start of our country. It's a mathematical system that was flawed the day our founders wrote it.

    It should be changed along with a lot of our other archaic laws, but I certainly don't trust this group of elected representatives to do the rewrite.

    So the fight goes on.

    Some day we will have to address the laws pertaining to voting, guns, and other inequities that effect modern life. That's why the founders gave the Constitution an amendment process, but timing those movements for change is tricky and important. Like discrimination, these issues will have to be pushed to change by the will of the people. The first thing is to change the elected officials representing the people.

    Hope your candidates win tomorrow.

    Thanks for stopping by Shaw, and your thoughtful words.
