Tuesday, November 6, 2018

I Voted

I certainly hope the Democrats win back majority tonight when all the votes are counted. I hope there is a huge blue wave and Democrats win majority where they are not expected to. 

I did not vote for the Democrat in my district. That man has 30 criminal convictions and I won't vote for a lying criminal for office as the country did in 2016. My conscience won't allow me to vote for a  lying, crooked candidate like that. I voted for the Independent Candidate. I wrote about this weeks ago, it was no surprise.

Because of that vote I have been removed from a liberal bloggers blog roll and he refused to post my comment on his post about voting for Democrats exclusively no matter what. Fine. Those of you who feel the same way follow his lead. That's the kind of group think puppy having a 5 year old temper tantrum that I have no respect for. Anyone who advises anyone else should vote for a candidate who has 30 criminal convictions against them, just because he is a Democrat, is an irresponsible idiot.

I have already decided to support Bernie Sanders for president in 2020. He has declared he is running as a Democrat for president in 2020. He is a "Not For Sale" politician with a clean record of personal and political behavior. The kind of politician I can vote for with a clean conscience. If you read my blog you know I am more liberal than the Democrats, or their platform define themselves as. I could change my mind, but I won't support Hillary Clinton if she decides to run.

I am not a group think kind of guy and I won't vote for someone just because everyone else is, or because they are just a member of a certain party. I sure as Hell won't vote for another crook. We have enough of those in politics already. And yes, many of them are Democrats. If that means people want to ban me from their blogs, so be it. Show your true character.

I don't use moderation on this blog as most other bloggers do. I see no reason to start moderation unless I'm being attacked with vulgar, childish nonsense comments, or a large amount of spam. I don't post all sorts of rules about commenting on this blog. I expect adults to be, act, and converse as adults.

Anyone can voice their ideas and opinions whether, or not I agree with them as long as they do it with a certain amount of civility. I am not a prude and an occasional off color sentence won't get your comment deleted. Personal attacks against other commenters will. If your mind is such a brick wall that you cannot handle view points that you disagree with, then you should stick with bloggers who agree with you 100 %.

1 comment:

  1. I voted Oct. 18th this year - the second day of early voting. I voted Democrat straight down the line, page after page on my local ballot as well. in my very Red State all the criminal politicians(un-indicted and already charged) are Republicans who've been in power for so long they behave as though the laws were written for others to follow and them to break. There are Deocrats of that ilk, too. I HAVE voted for Republican candidates twice in my life time and I DO regret the vote I gave to Gerald Ford. I regret that vote, not because Gerry was like today's divisive Republicans, but because I so, very, underestimated the goodness, strength, and moral character of James Earl Carter Jr.. As it turns out he was and IS a great man and a wonderful human being with a moral compass I still envy. I voted for Republican Lamar Alexander, candidate for Governor of Tennessee in 1974 because the Democrat running for Governor, Ray Blanton, was as you describe the district guy you didn't vote for this time. Blanton was as crooked as they come. Most of the State House and nearly every Sheriff was on his payroll. Lamar lost in '74 but Blanton, and most of his family, was eventually indicted for selling liquor licenses, Pardons, and on corruption charges during that term so I felt vindicated for that vote. Though Alexander won in '78 and again in '82 and has been a U.S. Senator since 2003 I only voted for him that one time. Every person who can vote should vote; and vote their conscious, when they do vote.
    I 'blog' to express my thoughts and ideas. Everyone is welcome and everyone's thoughts ideas are welcome to be expressed as comments on my blog. If no one at all visits my blog I have still accomplished the mission of my 'blog'. Express how you feel wherever you are, Jerry, and be true to yourself FIRST. Regardless of the opinions of others. That said .... Like South Park Susan, Cornerstore Carol, etc. etc. ... depending where you are and what the subject matter, there may be consequences for your convictions. I don't personally deem being removed from a blog roll as a serious consequence. Standing for what I know to be right, on the other hand, falls under being true to ME. Like you I'll never compromise that. Damn the small-minded bullies attempts at complete polarization. There are shades of gray. Good Onya'!
