Monday, December 6, 2021



  1. I know we disagree, and I am not certain at all what SCOTUS will do, but isn't it a legitimate government's primary duty to protect its citizens? Especially its innocent and most vulnerable? If Roe v. Wade is overturned, which is still doubtful, it will simply allow the states to draft their own laws on abortion instead of the federal government dictating this to them. If that happens, some states may very well outlaw all abortions, but fear not! California is already planning for abortion "tourism" if this does come to pass.

  2. The law disagrees with you that the unborn are citizens.
    See my abortion post.
    When the Supreme Curt ruled on Row/Wade it made abortion a federal right. The States have an obligation to not hinder ones federal rights. That's exactly what Texas and Mississippi are doing. So either the Court overturns Row/Wade, or they find these States in violation of denying someone a federal right.
    I'm guessing (according to the questions the justices asked) that the Court will overturn Row/Wade. Since two thirds of the populace wants legal abortions, that will build disrespect for the Court and the Court will be viewed as nothing but a bunch of political hacks.
    Row/Wade is weak law because it was decided by the Court when it should have been made law by the Congress. If the Court overturns Row/Wade a Congressional law would easily pass given the popularity of legal abortion. Either way, this is long from over.
    I wonder how people can protest the governments vaccine mandate claiming the government can't force them to put vaccines into their bodies, but are perfectly willing to tell women what they can, or cannot do with their bodies.

  3. Jerry, the unborn baby is NOT the woman's body. It is a separate life with its own unique DNA. Further, as I stated previously, just because something is deemed "legal" does not make it just or moral. We have had many such SCOTUS rulings in our past that were unjust, including regarding the rights of black Americans in the past.

    I pray that Roe v. Wade is overturned. It was bad law and should never have been made to begin with, sir. Like I said, there will still be abortion in America if that were to happen. California will still allow abortion up until the moment of birth. China and North Korea are the only other nations that allow such gruesome, ghoulish, and inhumane practices under the guise of "health care".

  4. You seem to be confused about what the law is and what your morals are. Thank goodness everyone is not forced to live by your morals. This is not a theocracy, or a dictatorship. People are and should be free to choose. Choice equals freedom. The more choices one has the more freedom they have. The unborn baby is not the woman's body is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. It is attached to her by an umbilical cord. Her body feeds it. The law does not even define it as a human being. I know you disagree with that, but again, the laws are not your morals.
