Sunday, November 28, 2021




  1. My wife teaches college and will often throw in this citizenship test in her one class. Well over half of the class always fail it, with sometimes reaching levels of 2/3rd's or even 3/4ths of the class having a failing grade. This is the level of our history and civics education today and a big part of the reason why our nation is in trouble. Too many people simply are unaware of too many essential things regarding how our nation is supposed to be governed or its history.

  2. I find these questions so easy, but I agree with your observation. I would bet new citizens know this information because they have to study to pass the test to become citizens. I don't think civics education exist anymore and I agree with what you said. It's sad, and dangerous.

  3. I agree that these questions are pretty rudimentary and should be common knowledge for all Americans. It is indeed sad and dangerous that it isn't.

    I think you are also correct that new citizens are better informed about America's history, institutions, and civics than are the typical Americans. Further, it is interesting how many naturalized citizens come to America, work hard, and succeed greatly because they appreciate the liberties and opportunities that this country still provides for those willing to grasp them.

  4. This is why I am pro-immigration. Immigrants are the life blood of America. America was built on and buy immigrants. Those people knocking on our Southern boarder come from outrageous conditions where their lives are literally in danger. They seek a better life. We should help them in that effort. They will become good, hard working, tax paying citizens. They truly understand the opportunities freedom offers them. Do we stand by the words on the Statue of Liberty?

  5. I too am good with immigrants coming to America. The caveat is that they must come LEGALLY and be prepared to work and take care of themselves rather than rely upon the American taxpayers to live.

    1. Once they are detained they are given a date to appear in front of an immigration judge, that allow them to be in America legally. The process is not problem free and those issues have to be worked through. We do not live in a world of absolutes, or perfection. If we would be willing to pay for more judges and services we would not be seeing the chaos that's going on.
