Saturday, November 10, 2018

Myths of America and the Baby Boomer Generation

One of my favorite sayings is by Orson Wells. He said he didn't think history could possibly be true, because it's told by people. We all know if you tell a story to one person by the time that story gets back to you after being relaid by many other people it doesn't bare any resemblance to the truth of the original story you told/started.

The truth of liberals, or the Democratic party of the last 50 years (the Baby Boomer generation) being the defender of the American way, or builder of an American empire respected around the world, is not true at all. That was the achievement of the parents (the Greatest Generation) of the generation of the last 50 years, otherwise known as the Baby Boomers. The Baby Boomers like to take credit for actions that never actually happened, or did not happen the way they like to tell their story.

This Baby Boomer generation that once claimed they were the generation of peace and love are the same people who created the violence and death they claim ended an unjust war in Southeast Asia. A nice tale, but that's not exactly what happened.

This same peace loving generation were the same people who bombed ROTC buildings, started fires and riots all over the country, spit on servicemen returning from Vietnam calling them baby killers and were the cause of deaths supposedly in the name of a revolution for the betterment of America.  It was liberal hate at its best.This Baby Boomer generation who have been in majority rule of business and politics for the last 40 years and are responsible for our current, horrible situation. 

The Vietnam war ended on Nixon, Kissinger, and North Vietnam's schedule. If there was any public pressure it was coming from the older generation after they realized they had been lied to by the liberal idol of the Great Society and champion of racial rights LBJ. It was LBJ who lied about the Gulf of Ton kin. It was LBJ who was told he could not win the war, yet, sent more and more Americans to their deaths in Vietnam. LBJ used every dirty military weapon (agent orange, napalm, etc., etc...) America had short of using an atomic bomb.

Nixon even supported giving the vote to 18 year olds (the protest generation) knowing it would not lose him the election, not to mention the new young voters turnout to vote was small. The older generation were all for Nixon and the young protesters were to small a voting block to swing the election. During all the violent protests Nixon won two presidential elections, one by a landslide. Nixon did not end the war until 1973-1974 and by that time the war protest had been going on for almost ten years, even though it did grow to include the older generations.

Then this peace and love generation (Baby Boomers) that supposedly cared about their brothers went on the next four decades to help build the Republican dominance and majority with the major chant of "No New Taxes." We are now taxed less than at almost anytime in history, but these Boomers want all the goodies from the government they can get, without paying for it. They denied the Communal taxation that had really built a great country, in favor of their selfish, yuppie lifestyle.

The Boomers cheered on Bush and his Iraq invasion calling those who disagreed traitors, even though it was known Bush lied and caused 10's of thousands of innocent people to die. Running up 20 trillion in debt over several presidents, mostly Republican presidents. The Boomers did not care about maintaining America;s infrastructure, or any other public necessity. They decided that public servants like teachers could be paid shit, while their crooked politicians got raises all the time and their corporate lifestyles made them wealthy.

Their biggest entertainment was watching one of their liberal icons get impeached for a blow job and making the conservatives the bad guys. Their government treated Veterans like shit until after 9/11, including a budget cut for Veteran benefits and Veteran hospitals during the Iraq war. The government did not even acknowledge agent orange as a covered illness until 40 years after the Vietnam war during which time thousands died from effects of agent orange.

The Baby Boomers are truly a selfish generation which have left America broke, crumbling, at each others throats with political partisanship, and topped off their last 50 years by giving us Trump the fascist as our president. They would like to disclaim this legacy, but their votes as a majority have created this destruction of America.

This supposed liberal generation of peace and love turned out to be a selfish, hate filled generation that destroyed America for future Americans. They fell pretty good about the election last week, but that does nothing to fix the last 40 years of destruction they ruled over.

The facts of the past and reality of America's current sad situation cannot be denied. The Baby Boomers were always out for their own gratification as younger people, middle age people, and as senior citizens, no matter what the consequences.

The Baby Boomers were given a great country financially and militarily strong and respected around the world. Now they are passing on a country destroyed in almost every category, except we can still destroy the world militarily, yet, no other country respects America anymore.

A sad situation for future Americans, that may never dig out of the hole one generation of Americans dug for us because of their neglect and selfishness.  

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