Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving ?

First we set up a country of slavery, then we commit genocide against the Native American.

For that behavior we consider ourselves a great nation. A nation we worked hard to build all on our own.

We worship the founding fathers who preached words of high morality, yet, they discriminated against everyone and murdered anyone who got in the way of their goals.

Their goal was a country of white supremacy.

The same kind of country Trump wants. 

There are many things to be thankful for, but our character and behavior as a country should not be held as the ideal.

So watch the parades, the football games, and celebrate with your families.

You might want to discuss with your family the violence and murder we committed to get our country and how we continue to destroy this land.

The Native American still lives in poverty on little land cages we forced them into after we got done killing all their ancestors.

If you want to give thanks, give thanks to the Native Americans who helped the white immigrants survive their first years in a new land, then turned around and murdered them.

Read TODAY's headline about what we are doing to the ancestors of the Natives who helped the Pilgrims. 

I can't celebrate the greatness of America knowing the truth of how we "settled" this land.

We just elected one of our biggest racist bigots president of our country.

How have we taken care of the land?

It's easy to say we have progressed from the barbaric killers we once were, but look around, killing each other is still our national sport.


  1. Jerry, we still suffer from the sins of our fathers.

    A new "declaration of independence" - from the patriarchal corporatacracy - is surely coming. If not, we'll perish in obscurity.

  2. Sometimes, though, the REDSKINS beat the Cowboys on Thanksgiving. And look how civilized the "Hunter-Gatherers" we've progressed to become treat each other on Black Friday!
    It's very difficult to not become cynical; and getting harder every day.
    Hope Your Thanksgiving Day was much more civilized than 'We, The People' behave toward each other on a daily basis.
    Best Regards,
    beej in TN

  3. Thanks all for your comments.

    There are many good things about America and the good things America has contributed to a better world.

    I just think we should temper our national celebrations about how great America is by remembering the truth about how it all happened.

    Are we responsible for the sins of our fathers? Yes, because we still suffer the effects of those actions and we still practice those same kind of immoral actions.

    46% of those who voted, voted for Trump. That is a far cry from where we should be in the 21st century.

    The Democrats won a big victory in the election, but my optimism was not bolstered by the fact that many of these outright bigots won, or only lost by a point, or two.

    If you are going shopping tomorrow, be safe. People have been killed just shopping to save a buck.

  4. Maybe you're familiar with A Thanksgiving Prayer by William S. Burroughs.

    A Thanksgiving Prayer

    To John Dillinger and hope he is still alive.
    Thanksgiving Day November 28 1986

    Thanks for the wild turkey and
    the passenger pigeons, destined
    to be shat out through wholesome
    American guts.

    Thanks for a continent to despoil
    and poison.
    Thanks for Indians to provide a
    modicum of challenge and

    Thanks for vast herds of bison to
    kill and skin leaving the
    carcasses to rot.
    Thanks for bounties on wolves
    and coyotes.

    Thanks for the American dream,
    To vulgarize and falsify until
    the bare lies shine through.

    Thanks for the KKK.

    For nigger-killin' lawmen,
    feelin' their notches.

    For decent church-goin' women,
    with their mean, pinched, bitter,
    evil faces.

    Thanks for
    "Kill a Queer for Christ"

    Thanks for laboratory AIDS.

    Thanks for Prohibition and the
    war against drugs.

    Thanks for a country where
    nobody's allowed to mind his
    own business.

    Thanks for a nation of finks.

    Yes, thanks for all the memories
    -- all right let's see your arms!

    You always were a headache and
    you always were a bore.

    Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal
    of the last and greatest
    of human dreams.

    Audio from WSB:

    1. Dave,

      I hope we can be smarter to live through Hell to understand certain things are wrong, but history says we cannot, unfortunately.

  5. "46% of those who voted, voted for Trump. That is a far cry from where we should be in the 21st century." ~~ Jerry

    Worse, a percentage around 30% to 35% still support the mobster-in-chief. That's scarier.

  6. JG,

    It's sad to understand that such a large minority of our people support such garbage.

    Worse yet, if the Democrats screw up the 2020 election, or a third party candidate splits the vote Trump could win in 2020.

    A story by a liberal explaining just how Trump will win the 2020 election:

    Michael Moore warned us that Trump would win the 2016 election, he is saying that again for the 2020 election.

  7. "Worse yet, if the Democrats screw up the 2020 election, or a third party candidate splits the vote Trump could win in 2020." ~~ Jerry

    It's a foregone conclusion, Jerry. The Democratic Party is notorious for lack of focus. The Party has changed so tremendously over the decades. It has sold out to big business, and in that respect it's indistinguishable from the forever pro-big business party of the GOP.

    Unless the Democratic Party returns to being the party of the working- and middle-classes, and organized labor, there's always going to be a third party that promises to stand up for these groups - thus splitting the vote.

    It's inevitable.
