Tuesday, October 16, 2018


It's our own processes and laws that create the corruption that is causing this voting imbalance.

When we allow the political parties themselves to set voting districts (gerrymandering) that's built in corruption. That can be changed.

The Electoral College is a mathematical system that was biased when our founding fathers wrote it and that bias changes as our population changes and moves around. That can be changed.

The Census numbers have been politicized since the first Census by politicians for their own benefit. That can be changed.

The Democrats had the Electoral College edge for most of the 20th century, because they were in the majority most of the time, not only on the federal level, but also on the State level. The Republicans have had the Electoral College edge since at least 2000 and will on going until the people change that through their votes.

It's no surprise given the mathematics that sooner, or later we would have a presidential winner that would not win the popular vote. To eliminate the Electoral College is only part of the equation. If we don't eliminate the gerrymander system at the same time we will still get a biased vote count.

Your State sets voting rules. That should be changed, especially for federal elections.

When we hear about judges deciding voting rule arguments we have to remember how important federal judge appointments are. If Kavanaugh wasn't a reminder consider that twice in the last three months Democrats allowed 15 (that's 30) lifetime federal judicial appointments go through without the Senate rule of 30 hours of debate on each appointment. The Democrats, both times, said their reason for passing the debate time on these judicial appointments was because it was more important that their legislators got home to their districts. I wonder what kind of scum got through because of no debate and not looking closely enough at these people?

We can change most of what makes our voting system biased. We cannot change the gullibility of American voters, or the residual racism and hate that resides in the American people.

So what percentage do these things effect an election? Certainly when the popular vote does not reflect the winner, our system is broken.

Russians telling enough lies to change Americans thinking is different than Russians actually hacking voting machines and creating a false vote.

All the money we spend on political ads is intended to change a voters thinking. Where that money comes from, or who it comes from is important for American voters to know. Of course, the rules of money in elections can also be changed.

Many of these changes would require amendments to the Constitution. That's an approval of 2/3's of the States, the Congress, the president, and winning any legal objection brought before the biased Supreme Court. Good luck with that.

Of course, a tsunami (not just a wave) of Americans voting Democratic that would put political majority on both the State and federal level back in the hands of Democrats would allow Democrats to make new rules and laws to balance the biased voting results without Constitutional amendments.

But then we haven't changed, or solved our voting corruption, problems, or biases, we have just given political power to a different party. Do you think Democrats would not take advantage of majority powers including gerrymandering and the other powers I mentioned above that the majority receives as benefits of being the majority political power?

In the 1930's and 1940's FDR won 4 straight presidential elections. Imagine that!

FDR had total control over the federal government and Democrats had majority throughout the country. FDR and Democrats had the Electoral College and the gerrymander edge nationwide.

The Republicans were steaming mad calling "cheat" on all Democrats.

FDR got all his legislation passed by Congress. Only the Supreme Court stopped some of FDR's policies deciding they were unconstitutional. Then FDR wanted to change the number of Supreme Court judges to twelve instead of nine (of course he would appoint the new 3 judges) to override the votes on the Supreme Court to ensure all of his legislation was found to be constitutional.  Even Congressional Democrats would not go along with that and it never happened.

The Republicans have been trying to overturn FDR's laws ever since. Only recently have the Republicans had the political power to overturn those laws and they are slowly succeeding. First they cut taxes to ensure those programs must cut their budgets and now they are directly attacking those programs, which are in trouble because Republicans have won the majority. Republicans hated FDR as much as Democrats hate Trump.

As Kavanaugh said, "What goes around, comes around."

Don't kid yourself, Republicans are looking to overturn everything from abortion to Social Security and the  whole liberal agenda, they just never had enough votes in Congress, or support throughout the country.They not only have the votes now, but they have proven they will go against the will of the people, and what is healthy for the country. Just look at the debt they have built in the last decades.

At least FDR had the will and support of the people behind him. That generation of Americans wanted the compassionate, "looking after one another" America FDR built. Where would we be without Social Security, Medicare, Food stamps, a highway system, defense system, and other needed programs for a safe and healthy society? Who is this government supposed to be for anyways? Communal taxation has proven to be the best way to secure a better, progressive future for all. Why have we abandoned that thinking? Who are we (baby boomer generation) to leave a worse off and bankrupt America to future Americans? 



  1. Great analysis, Jerry. The Goopers have played a long game in their quest to undo everything Roosevelt and other Democratic presidents have done. Why has it been easy for the minority party to accomplish this? Gerrymandering is one reason (both parties are guilty of this), and we have to change that. Unfortunately, whichever party is in control of the various state houses will do little to nothing to do that.

    The coming mid-terms are probably the most important in my lifetime, but I have ominous feelings because of the Russians and the cheating Goopers who are suppressing the vote in minority communities where contest are close (see the Texas senate race, for example).

    When America has a liar and a cheat as its chief executive officer, is there any hope that our elections, and those who monitor them at the state level, will be honest.

    As I've said on my blog, a fish stinks from the head, and Trump is the worst stinker we've had in modern presidential politics.

  2. Good morning Shaw. Thank you for stopping by.

    I'm afraid the cards are stacked against us and I don't expect the tsunami liberal vote I spoke about in my rant. I do expect the voting numbers in the Congress to be closer after this election.

    This is a very important election, because we have a total nut job as president. I think of 1968, but that ended with Nixon winning and then he won again. I know you read and I'm sure you have read the articles forecasting a Trump win in 2020. Unbelievable, but I have seen some unbelievable things in politics in my time.

    Impeachment should be a much more serious topic, but we have no Goldwater to tell the president he should resign and Trump would never resign anyways. Trump doesn't even have the honor that crook Nixon had.

    When your floors get done, post a picture. Have a nice day!
