Monday, September 24, 2018

Dr. Ford to Testify

It seems Dr. Ford will testify in front of the Judicial Committee and on national television; without the FBI doing any investigation about her charges against Kavanaugh.

So the Republicans get their he said, she said show down and will vote Kavanaugh the next Supreme Court Justice.

Republicans don't care what the public thinks about its tactics, they achieved their goal, another right wing conservative on the Supreme Court with lifetime tenure. The balance on the Supreme Court will now be slanted enough to overturn decades of accepted law like Roe/Wade, but the Supreme Court won't stop at just overturning Roe/Wade.

The Republicans probably will lose majority because of this Supreme Court nominee issue, in fact, I think it might be the issue that turns this country away from decades of conservative voting. Add Trump's incompetence and disgusting behavior, I am sure the voters will be more liberal in the future. There has to be "a straw that breaks the camel's back" and this may well be it. But the Democrats could see much of their legislative efforts (when they regain majority) be struck down by a conservative Supreme Court, that will be conservative for a long time.

As for Dr. Ford, she might have been better off giving her testimony off camera to the committee saving herself more public humiliation. Without the FBI investigating her charges she was left with a he said, she said position against a bunch of women hating Senators. She had no chance, especially since the Republicans were willing to chance losing majority at the elections in order to get another one of their kind on the Supreme Court. Dr. Ford's life is changed forever and having to tell her painful story did not stop Kavanaugh from becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Sen. Feinstein has to take the blame for that, because Dr. Ford asked her not to make her accusations public multiple times, which begs the question, why would Dr. Ford write that letter to the Senator if she was not willing to go public? Dr. Ford should have known her name would become public, these things always leak out.

Republicans may not think Trump will be impeached (which is still a real possibility) but they certainly know the polls are against them and will get worse because of their dirty tactics and their delusional president. They are bound to lose majority, if not by the mid-term elections certainly by the 2020 elections, and they know it, but they will have the Supreme Court for a long time to come. 

It's political hardball and I'm sure the Republicans see it as a win for them, and so do I. 

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